You won’t be at home for a few days during ongoing resident permit case? You should take care of something first!

Resident permit cases can take a long time (see here). While you wait for a decision, you may need to leave home for a few days. Whether it’s because of holidays, family visit or any other reason, you definitely should take precautions to ensure that you won’t miss any requests from Urząd Wojewódzki. Otherwise, it is possible that during your absence, Urząd will send you a letter and you won’t be at home to pick it up. And this may result in negative consequences (you can learn more here).

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What is Polish “awizo” and why you should bother while staying in Poland?

As I mentioned in one of the latest articles, in Poland all of the important letters are being sent only by registered mail (list polecony). This guarantees more certainty that the letter will reach the addressee and allows the sender to monitor the delivery status (on the page

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10 advices that may make your life easier when dealing with Polish offices.

Polish bureaucracy is not the best in the world, but not the worst either. Depending on where you are from, you may find it quite tolerable or completely disorganized.

Still, there are some advices we can share with you, that may help you get through administrative process.

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Long waiting time at Urząd Wojewódzki may be a result of not only mismanagement, but also corruption – says latest NIK report

As we mentioned in our earlier article, Polish Supreme Audit Office (Najwyższa Izba Kontroli or NIK), in one of it’s latest reports confirmed that Urząd Wojewódzki is unable to handle residence permit cases in required time.

However, from what the auditors learned during their examinations, this bad situation at Urząd Wojewódzki in Wrocław may not only be a case of only bad management.

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How to start a company in Poland. Part 2: Self-employment or sp. z o.o.? Differences between Polish companies

Last time (article here) we talked about what kind of companies can be run in Poland by foreigners. Now that you know that you can start all kinds of companies, it’s time to learn something what are their specifics and differences. As a reminder – all Polish standard types of business activities are: jednoosobowa działalność … Read more

How long does it take to get Residence Permit in each Polish Voivodeship Office?

Polish Supreme Audit Office (Najwyższa Izba Kontroli or NIK) in one it’s latest reports confirmed what is already well known by all foreigners who want to get residence permit in Poland: Voivodeship Offices (Urząd Wojewódzki) are unable to handle residence permit cases in required time. The audit titled “Przygotowanie administracji publicznej do obsługi cudzoziemców”, provided … Read more

[UPDATE 06.09.2024] How to start a company in Poland. Part 1: What kind of companies can be run in Poland by foreigners?

The first question that may come to your mind, when you decide to open a business in Poland is probably: “is it even possible to establish and run a company in Poland by a foreigner?”

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7 Practical differences between Permanent Residence and Long Term EU Residence

As you may know, Permanent Residence permit and Long Term EU Residence have different lists of requirements. But are there any other differences in acquiring and using from each of these permits? Today we list 7 practical differences between Permanent Residence and Long Term EU Residence: Permanent Residence Long Term EU Residence May be granted … Read more

Permanent Residence vs Long Term EU Residence. An up to date list of requirements – comparison and recent changes.

Below I present you an up-to-date (on 26.10.2019), full list of requirements for permanent residence and long term EU residence. Any recent changes, that are often missing in other articles on the Internet are indicated in green (added) and red (removed).

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