Has the rules regarding language requirement for Long Term EU Residence Permit been changed? Can I use a szkoła policealna graduation to meet the language requirement?

Has the rules regarding language requirement for Long Term EU Residence Permit been changed? Can I use a szkoła policealna graduation to meet the language requirement?

The question has been on many people’s minds for quite some time. Various posts and websites provide conflicting information on whether these changes were made already or will ever be made. Or how the new rules regarding language requirements are supposed to work exactly.

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How to get married in Poland as a foreigner?

Whether your decision to propose brings big changes in your life or you simply wanted to cement your de facto relationship with a loved one, when it comes to marriage, there is always  legal paperwork to take care of.

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Attorney-at-law, Advocate, Lawyer… What is the Difference? Types of Polish Lawyers.

A well informed customer is a safe customer. However, when seeking legal advice in Poland you will most likely encounter a lot of titles used by Polish lawyers: radca prawny, adwokat, prawnik, specjalista ds. prawnych, doradca prawny… This may likely get you confused. The question is: are they any different?

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How to get Family 500+ social benefit? A step-by-step guide.

Since 2016, a parental benefit of the “Family 500 Plus” has been introduced in Poland, which is paid monthly at PLN 500 until the child reaches the age of 18. It is worth to know that financial support applies not only to Polish families but also to foreign children living in Poland since 2019. However, families of foreigners must fulfill certain conditions to apply for 500 plus in Poland.

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Polish ePUAP system. Did you know you can take care of your matters without leaving home?

While you are staying in Poland, many times you have to take care of some matters at Polish offices or submit necessary documents or applications addressed to public entities.Doing so very oftentimes requires your personal appearance in the office. This takes a lot of time as well as effort, since not always Polish clerks will be able to communicate with foreigners.
This is why you should consider getting access to Polish ePUAP system, so you can deal with many official matters without leaving home.

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A quick summary of Coronavirus Benefits, that you may get in Poland

The COVID19 epidemic has a huge impact on our economy and many employers as well as employees experience loss of monthly income. This is why most governments started programs aimed at providing financial help for local businesses, employees and freelancers.
Below you will find a quick summary of coronavirus benefit, that you can get in Poland.

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Coronavirus Benefit for persons who are employed on umowa zlecenia or umowa o dzieło in Poland

If you are employed on civil law contract (like umowa zlecenie or umowa o dzieło) this the contract has been terminated, cancelled or limited (less hours or work) due to COVID-19, then you might be eligible to apply for a one-time financial benefit in order to compensate you for the loss of revenue.

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Polish “Anti-Crisis Shield”. See how coronavirus will affect your legal status in Poland (changes for foreigners, employees and companies!)

Recently, because of coronavirus epidemic, Polish parliament passed a bill of provisions. The goal is to better adjust legal status of many citizens and residents, as well as provide help for some groups. The changes made affect mostly employees, companies and foreigners. Here are some of the more important points.

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