Long waiting time at Urząd Wojewódzki may be a result of not only mismanagement, but also corruption – says latest NIK report

As we mentioned in our earlier article, Polish Supreme Audit Office (Najwyższa Izba Kontroli or NIK), in one of it’s latest reports confirmed that Urząd Wojewódzki is unable to handle residence permit cases in required time.

However, from what the auditors learned during their examinations, this bad situation at Urząd Wojewódzki in Wrocław may not only be a case of only bad management.

Read for yourself:

“in the Dolnośląski Urząd Wojewódzki in Wrocław, the procedural and organizational solutions adopted for the reception and consideration of applications filed by foreigners were contrary to the principle of equal treatment of parties and constituted a potential field for the development of corruption mechanisms. At this office, it was allowed for so called “strategic clients”, i.e. foreigners working for foreign investors, located in special economic zones, to submit applications outside the queue system. In this “mode”, an average of about 300 foreigners were admitted per month, who, contrary to the recognized principle of processing applications in accordance with the chronology of their impact, had the opportunity to obtain an earlier resolution of the case, compared to other clients who could not use this privileged path. Also at the stage of examining applications, solutions were used to indicate the privileged treatment of selected groups of foreigners.”

During an audit, there was a random case analysis conducted with the following results:

“An analysis of 54 residence applications carried out during the inspection, the outcome of which was a positive decision, showed that in 18 cases (including 16 from 2017-2018), these proceedings were completed within a much shorter period than their average time spent in the office.” [the overall average waiting time in 2018 was 328 days – author’s note]

Such instances of privileged proceedings included local football team players and bank’s management board member.

The report concludes that:

It should be emphasized that the activities of public administration bodies should be based on the principle of transparency and equal treatment of parties to proceedings. The examples mentioned above contradict these fundamental principles, at the same time violating citizens’ trust in public authorities.”

What are the consequences of these findings?

The NIK Delegation in Wrocław forwarded an audit post of the inspection at the Dolnośląski Urząd Wojewódzi in Wrocław to the department of the Centralne Biuro Antykorupcyjne we Wrocławiu (Central Anticorruption Bureau in Wrocław). They also organized a meeting with the participation of the Wojewoda Dolnośląski, during which proposed actiones aimed at better management control were presented.

Will this report change anything? Only time will tell. For now, there is no information, whether any solution is on the way. Still, even the most optimistic estimations should take into account that it will take a lot of time for any improvements to bear fruit.

Would you like to know more? Do you want to speed up your case legally and get due compensation?

Feel free to contact us and take advantage of our services.

1 thought on “Long waiting time at Urząd Wojewódzki may be a result of not only mismanagement, but also corruption – says latest NIK report”

  1. I have heard that people pay to be in front of the line in Wroclaw when it comes to get their residence permit. Stop this corruption. Especially, people from Post-Soviet union countries like Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Belarus, Ukraine, etc.

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