Polish Supreme Audit Office (Najwyższa Izba Kontroli or NIK) in one it’s latest reports confirmed what is already well known by all foreigners who want to get residence permit in Poland: Voivodeship Offices (Urząd Wojewódzki) are unable to handle residence permit cases in required time.
The audit titled “Przygotowanie administracji publicznej do obsługi cudzoziemców”, provided comprehensive report about situation at Polish Foreign Affairs Departments at Voivodeship Offices. It is now more clear how long does residence permit procedures take in each Voivodeship.
Is it getting better or worse? Well, see for yourself:

For now, there is no information, that the situation in these offices will get any better.
The only legal solution for an individual case is to start court complaint procedure. This way Polish administrative court will be able to force Voivodeship Office to resolve the case, thus speeding up the proceeding. It may also grant financial compensation for a long waiting period. What we must remember however, is that in order for this procedure to be effective, all formal requirements of both a reminder and a court complaint must be met.
According to the abovementioned report, the audited offices may be too rigorous in handling reminders, as many were not considered as such, because of the way they were written (in Urząd’s opinion, they didn’t meet all the formal requirements).
That is why it is always advisable to seek professional advise of an attorney-at-law 😉
Would you like to know more? Do you want to speed up your case and get due compensation?
Feel free to contact us and take advantage of our services.