The “Blue Card” is a term used for document issued by one of the EU countries for highly qualified workers form non-EU countries. It allows them to stay in the EU country and work there. Blue Card also provides some other rights to its owners, e.g. the right to be treated similarly as the citizens of EU country that issued the Card. But can you use it in another EU country and how you can do it?
The short answer is yes – you can use your Blue Card in EU country other than the one which gave you this document. The only limitation is that you have to stay in the first country for at least 12 months. For example, if Poland gave you your Blue Card, you can use it to work in Germany after 12 months of residence in Poland.
When the period of 12 months pass and you want to work in another EU country, you have to submit an application for transfering your Blue Card. You should provide all the documents normally required for Blue Card in new country. Plus you have to it within one month after your arrival.
Such application can also be submitted by your employer.
The documents needed to get Blue Card in Poland:
- Valid employment contract or binding hiring offer for highly qualified job for at least one year,
- Documents confirming that you are a highly qualified specialist (such as documents proving your past work experience and/or degrees),
- Valid passport,
- visa or valid residence permit (if you had it before),
- document confirming your health insurance.
Also, you will be checked if you may pose a threat to public policy, public security or public health.
When you get your Blue Card in another country, all related rights are given to you automatically.
The rights related to Blue Card are:
- access to a specified job position requiring high qualifications (and after 2 years – to all the jobs requiring high qualifications),
- equal treatment,
- freedom to enter and exit the country,
- possibility for your family to join you.
If your family is staying with you, they can join you when you get the Blue Card in another EU country.
To do so, each of your family member have to submit an application for residence permit as a family member within one month after arrival.
Do you need legal assistance during your stay in Poland? Feel free to contact us and take advantage of our services.
Good evening Piotr
I have karta pobytu of 3 year which will expire by the end of 2024.
I have applied for this card using an indefinite contract with an IT company where I’m still working.
If I apply for the EU blue card once my karta pobytu is close to expiration, do I still need to wait for 12months to be able to change employer or the years of stay (and work experience ) with my current karta pobytu will count ?
Thank you
Good evening,
yes, these 12 months period starts only once you get the blue card permit. Previous (different) residence permits or employment duration periods won’t count.
Hi Piotr, I have the EU blue card since 2019 (currently valid until 2025) and I have received an offer from Spain. Would it be possible to already request the change (Spain already adopted the new EU directive) while I’m in the notice period (3-months as I have been working for more than 3 years) and in such a case, would that be an issue for my current employment?
Good afternoon,
it should be possible to apply for a Spanish blue card, but the procedure for that is regulated by Spanish law. You should contact a Spanish lawyer for details.
Hi ,
I have blue card but I switched my company within Poland and I also informed the immigration office in Poland about my new job and also submitted docs like new work permit etc 2 weeks ago.
What would be the next step now ? Am I going to get the new blue card again . If yes how much time immigration office will take as I have plans to go to my home country which is outside EU in Nov .
How long it will take depends on which Voivodeship Office you applied at and whether you use any legal assistance with that.
If it would be taking too long, please read this article:
Dear Piotr,
First of all, I would like to thank you for what you are doing in this page. I have a question. Since 2020, I have been working in Poland as a researcher with a PhD degree. During this time, I did not apply for a blue card. Currently, the type of my work contract is indefinite, but the salary is about 5300 zlotys. Can I apply for a blue card? Actually, I am trying to find a way to get a work permit for my wife.
Thank you in advance,
Good afternoon,
unfortunately, you don’t meet the salary requirement – it is quite high with PLN 9519,22 required. You can find all requirements here:
As for your wife, you don’t need a blue card to be able for her to apply for a residence permit as a family member. She can do this even if you have a regular residence and work permit for 2 years. Family member residence permit does allow her to work without a work permit.
Hey Piotr, you mentioned in the article that “After 12 months of residence in Poland” one may submit an application to transfer the EU blue card to another EU country if one has the meeting criteria.
My question is: Do these 12 months start counting before we get the blue card (assuming that we are waiting for the EU blue card application process to finish, we are technically residing in Poland) or the 12 months only start counting as soon as you get the EU blue card?
Thank you in advance 🙂
Hello there! These 12 months start on the day your blue card residence permit is issued.
Hi Piotr,
Thank you for what you are doing in this forum. I hope you will find time to answer my question too.
I am from non EU country. And I used to have Blue card but I left the company where I get the blue card from and Poland too. It has been around 1 year(10-11 months) that I don’t live in Poland anymore. But I didn’t inform any authorities when I left Poland.
My question is: If I want to return back to Poland, would be any trouble in the boarder? Would they let me in ? My blue card expires in two years.
Good afternoon,
unless they revoked your card, you will be able to come back using this card.
Dear Mr. Kamler,
I have a second question. I am currently living in Czech Republic and If I become a full time student in a university in Poland, Can I just apply and start working in a company in Poland without any work permit procedure or do I still need a karta pobytu for that ?
Kind regards
Good afternoon,
I can consult you on these questions. We can meet at my office in Wrocław, ul. Krakowska 19-23 or schedule an online meeting via WhatsApp or Skype.
If you would like to receive legal assistance, please contact me via email:
Hi! I’m not EU citizen and I’d like to get Staly pobyt in the future, is the Blue card count for this? Because after 5 years on karta pobyta I have the right to inquire for the Staly pobyt, but is there right in this terms with the blue card?
Good afternoon,
yes, blue card duration does count for the purpose of calculating 5 years required for a long term EU residence permit.
Hi Piotr
I am about to received my blue card in Poland but unfortunately my job dismissed due to the large restructuration (dismissal will be effective in the next months) . As of now im not sure how to proceed in order to look for a new job, should the offering company start the process all over? or should I just inform the authorities of the change and will be an easy process for them?
Good afternoon,
I can consult you on these questions. We can meet at my office in Wrocław, ul. Krakowska 19-23 or schedule an online meeting via WhatsApp or Skype.
If you would like to receive legal assistance, please contact me via email:
Hello Piotr,
I am applyig for a blue card now. Below are my questions:
1. How long it takes for me to get blue card after submiiting all the documents
2. I am in poland since February 12, 2023 and working for XXX company. If I move of out this company by March 2024, should my new company give me work permit or the BLue card will be enough ?
3. How many years once should I renew my Blue card ?
Thank you,
Good afternoon,
I can consult you on these questions. We can meet at my office in Wrocław, ul. Krakowska 19-23 or schedule an online meeting via WhatsApp or Skype.
If you would like to receive legal assistance, please contact me via email:
Hi Piotr,
I am working in Poland & I have received my blue card. Can you please help me with the below scenarios?
1) within Poland if I search for a job before 18 months? what document I will be requiring from a new employer
2) within Poland if I search for a job after 18 months? what document I will be requiring from a new employer
3)outside Poland & within the EU if I search for a job before 18 months? what document I will be requiring from a new employer
4)outside Poland & within the EU if I search for a job after 18 months? what document I will be requiring from a new employer
Good afternoon,
I can consult you on these questions. We can meet at my office in Wrocław, ul. Krakowska 19-23 or schedule an online meeting via WhatsApp or Skype.
If you would like to receive legal assistance, please contact me via email:
For example, I joined my current employer in the month of February, 2023 and I want to switch to different company by March 2024, is the blue card enough?
Or the new employer should give me the work permit again ?
Good afternoon,
I can consult you on these questions. We can meet at my office in Wrocław, ul. Krakowska 19-23 or schedule an online meeting via WhatsApp or Skype.
If you would like to receive legal assistance, please contact me via email:
Hi Piotr
On my decision 04-09-2021 it says , on my card the date says 20-09-2021 and i received my card on 05-10-2021. My question is can i change my employer post 05-09-2023 without applying for new work permit
Good afternoon,
this depends on the content of your decision. I can consult you on these questions, but would need to see the decision. We can meet at my office in Wrocław, ul. Krakowska 19-23 or schedule an online meeting via WhatsApp or Skype.
If you would like to receive legal assistance, please contact me via email:
Hi Piotr,
Hope you are well! I need your assistance with answering the below questions:
As a residence permit holder (received by application with university diploma and annex 1) valid until 2025, does the law mandate foreigners to leave the country if unemployed for a certain period of time whilst still job hunting?
Is this residence card also the same as EU Blue card? The job with which the residence permit was awarded had a gross salary of 6500 PLN.
Good afternoon,
I can consult you on these questions. We can meet at my office in Wrocław, ul. Krakowska 19-23 or schedule an online meeting via WhatsApp or Skype.
If you would like to receive legal assistance, please contact me via email:
Id appreciate if you could answer my question.
If I hold the Blue card in Germany, am I eligible to work from Poland for a week?
Thank you.
Good afternoon,
a blue card from another EU country doesn’t provide you any right to work in Poland. You would need a work permit to be employed here.
Hi Piotr,
Quick question. I have been working for a company in Poland for 1 year and 8 months. My Blue Card will be delivered to me only now. The question is : It is already count has more than one 1, therefore, is it possible to move to another EU country?
Thank you
Hello there!
The clock starts ticking from the day the Blue Card decision is issued.
Hello Piotr, I got a question, I already completed 5 years working in Poland with EU blue card, i also passed the B1 exam so can apply for Polish (or called EU) long term residence, but i got an offer from Germany and thinking to move there, so can i combine both?
Applying for Polish long term residence while i am still here and then move to Germany and apply there for blue card needed for work, and when the Polish long term residence issued, i decide if I want to get it & return to Poland or drop it and start the whole path in Germany?
So in other words, will Poland know about my work in Germany (which will be based on Germany official blue card) and will that affect my long term residence application in Poland?
This would require a longer answer and some more background. If you are interested in a consultation, please contact us via email:
I have received my blue card this month in Poland but unfortunately. my job dismissed due to the current financial recession. As for my understanding I will have to inform relevant authority about my job loss within 15 working days. Now I am not receiving any direct employment offer, instead got a B2B offer from a company to perform job under this type of contract. The job nature is same as my earlier work permit. But this time, my employer will not apply for work permit, instead they are willing to hire me on B2B basis. For this I have to create a company and sign agreement with them. Now my question is how my legal stay will be affected by this? If I can not get any direct employment job offer, do I have to leave the country?
If you register a company and start working on a B2B basis, you won’t be able to stay based on a Blue Card you have (unless you would also at the same time be employed based on umowa o pracę).
If you have a company in Poland, you need to apply for a residence permit for the purpose of conducting business activity.
Hi Piotr,
Thank you for what you are doing! I hope you find the time to answer my questions too.
You states that a blue card holder can change country after 12 months, while all other sources say that this can only be done after 18 months. Could you provide a reference to your source of information?
I entered and started working in Poland in September 2021, the blue card application was submitted in January 2022, and I received the card in January 2023. What date does the countdown start from?
Hello there!
It used to be 18 months, but this has been reduced to 12 months. Sources saying it’s 18 months are outdated.
The only true reference here is the legal act itself – Directive (EU) 2021/1883 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 October 2021 on the conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals for the purpose of highly qualified employment, and repealing Council Directive 2009/50/EC
You can find rundown of changes made to the Directive here:
I have applied for blue card and awaiting a decision.
If I get a new job, do I have to start the entire process again or the current one can be amended?
If you want to change employment during the the ongoing process for a residence permit, you can just provide documents regarding the new employment to the Voivodeship Office.
Hi Piotr,
I am working for master’s degree holder from a polish university and now working for IT company, I am fulfilling the requirements for both blue card and normal card according to my education in poland.
My question is, if I possessed a blue card, I can’t move from employer to another employer except after i pass 2 years of employment, so i can’t accept any offers from any company during this period? Or even the hiring employer won’t have interest to hire me because it’s not possible
Hello there!
Before these 2 years are up, you can change work if you apply for a change of the Blue Card decision you have (so that the employer stated on this decision will be changed to a new one).
Hi Piotr,
I currently have a temporary residence permit valid for another year. My residence permit was issued for another reason but I also have a job that fulfils the requirements for a Blue Card. Can I apply for a Blue Card without waiting for my current residence permit to finish ? If yes, while waiting for the Blue Card to be issued, will my current residence permit be still valid or it gets cancelled?
Good Morning,
yes, you can apply for a new blue card type residence permit without a need of waiting for the current residence permit to expire.
Your current residence permit won’t expire because of you applying for a new one and you can use it while the proceeding is ongoing (provided you will continue working for the employer stated on this permit).
Hello there,
I currently hold a blue card which was issued 4 months back. I was offered a new job in another EU country meeting all the Bule card requirements.
My potential new employer is unaware of Blue card and its related process. Could you please proving some info on my case?
Thank you in advance!
Good afternoon,
the rules for blue card holders for being employed in another EU country varies between these countries. Each one has different rules, so it’s best if you ask a lawyer from there about it.
Hi Piotr!
I still don’t really understand what is the exact benefit of having Blue Card in regards of moving to another country.
Like, the article says that after 12 month of residence with Blue Card, for example, in Poland I can apply for Blue Card in Germany. But if I understood correctly, I still need to prepare again all the documents and pass the same procedure for getting German Blue card like I initially was passing for Polish one. For me it’s the same if I would just apply for my first Blue Card in Germany.
What is the difference?
Yes, you still would need to request German government for their equivalent of a blue card. However, you will be able to do so on better terms. However, I cannot tell you what are German legal provisions regulating that, since I am proficient only in Polish law. It’s best to ask that question to a German lawyer 😉
Hello Piotr,
As new regulation is just 12 month for tranfering your blue card to another country. whether this regulation is effective in poland or not in 2023? I am curious to know this changes.
That’s correct, as of now, you can transfer it after 12 months.
Hi Piotr,
I have a question. I am a non-EU citizen. I have an EU Blue card and have completed 30 months of living and working in Poland.
While the blue-card can be transferred to another EU country, my understanding is, that a potential employer in another EU country still needs to file an application and obtain a work-permit from the local immigration office. Is this correct?
Yes, that’s correct. An employer in another EU country still needs to apply for a work permit to employ you.
Dear Mr. Kamer,
I have blue card from Czech Republic for 2 years and would like to move Poland, from your comment above I understand that my employer in Poland should apply for a work permit at Urzad Miasta and after this I will be able to work. Am I understanding correctly ? Because if so, then simply having a polish university diploma would be more advantageous than a blue card as it gives direct access to polish job Market without a work permit ? Do
Kind regards,
Hi Piotr,
I have question, I’m living here in Poland and I had my first Blue card for 3 years which had just expired in last month. I already applied on renewing my card since Dec 2021 and didn’t get the decision till now.
Currently, I got a new job at Netherlands and I would like to apply on a new Blue Card at Netherlands, is it mandatory to have a valid Blue Card? if not so how can I pass the borders legally?
Another question, regarding to my social security that I paid to Poland since my stay here with holding Blue Card, will it (pension) be transferred automatically when I apply on Netherlands Blue Card?
Thanks in advance,
This would require a longer answer. If you are interested in a consultation, please contact us via email:
Hi there,
If you can answer my question:
I have a blue card and i need to spend at least 18 months. I know i can use it to work in Germany after 18 months of residence in Poland.
However, i got better opportunity and i move to Germany.
The time i have spend in Poland i.e 18 months, Do you know if time will be calculated by Germany at the time of applying EU long term card in Germany?
This is regulated by German law. I only practice Polish law, so please contact a German lawyer.
I am living in Poland right now and I am applying to Karta Pobyto as a student during this time. I also graduated in Turkey with two Bachelors in “Public Relation & Promotion”, and “International Business & Logistic Management” fields. I also found a job to work while I am keeping on my master’s degree. So,
The question is if I would like to apply Blue Cart during waiting for my “Karta Pobyto”. Can I apply Blue Card?
How are the criteria evaluated by the immigration office to apply Blue Card? If I apply, how long Blue Card that I can get?
And how much the cost will be?
Blue card IS karta pobytu – a temporary residence permit to be exact. “Blue card” is just a common name for what is formally known as “temporary residence permit for the purpose of performing work in a profession requiring high qualifications”.
You can have only one karta pobytu process active, so you either cancel your previous process and start a new one or change the ongoing process.
The requirements are that your contract must be for at least 1 year (or indefinite), salary of at least about 9000 gros per month (exact number for 2023 is not yet confirmed by the government) and you need to prove that you have university education or long experience in your profession.
The fees are the same as with a residence and work permit.
Dear Sir,
My name is Sina Darban and I am writing this email to ask about the EU Blue card rules. I have been holding EU Blue card for 3 years in Poland due to my job contract with AGH UST. I would now go to France and work there for two years. May I ask you if I can transfer my paid retirement insurance to France from Poland? besides, I would know if my three years of work in Poland will be counted in France for using to get nationality?
Thanks and best regards,
Sina Darban
I don’t specialise in social insurance law, sorry. Basically this depends on whether there is an international contract between Poland and France that regulate that. If there is, the periods of time worked in Poland and France add up for the purpose of calculating your future pension.
As for the citizenship, this is regulated by French law, so you should contact a French lawyer for that.