Shopping online is very convenient. It saves us a lot of time and effort we otherwise would spend to visit “traditional” shops.
However there are some drawbacks – we never know what we will get and oftentimes it may be much below our expectations.
Living in Poland
Bank Super Deals – free accounts, but not for long…
We are often tempted by bank deals offering investments with good interest. Almost always the basic condition for their contraction is opening a bank account. However, it does not matter to us, because the bank assures that it is a free account. In just a few minutes we set up an account and transfer our funds. A few months later, the investment ends and we withdraw the money. It would seem that the deal is done.
But is that for sure?
Real property for foreigners – do you need a permit?
Whether you would like to buy a piece of land or any premises in Poland, you should check if you need to get a permit for that. It’s called “zezwolenie na nabycie nieruchomości przez cudzoziemca” (permission to buy real property by foreigners). There are a number of rules to determine if you need one. Let me share them with you:
What is Polish “awizo” and why you should bother while staying in Poland?
As I mentioned in one of the latest articles, in Poland all of the important letters are being sent only by registered mail (list polecony). This guarantees more certainty that the letter will reach the addressee and allows the sender to monitor the delivery status (on the page
10 advices that may make your life easier when dealing with Polish offices.
Polish bureaucracy is not the best in the world, but not the worst either. Depending on where you are from, you may find it quite tolerable or completely disorganized.
Still, there are some advices we can share with you, that may help you get through administrative process.
How difficult is it for a foreigner to open a bank account in Poland?
Whenever you want to deal with any formalities in Poland, it is always best to do a little research on to topic and prepare necessary documents. This will save you both time and effort. As a foreigner, opening a bank account in Poland requires some additional paperwork. It’s more difficult for non-residents First of all, … Read more