A quick summary of Coronavirus Benefits, that you may get in Poland

The COVID19 epidemic has a huge impact on our economy and many employers as well as employees experience loss of monthly income. This is why most governments started programs aimed at providing financial help for local businesses, employees and freelancers.
Below you will find a quick summary of coronavirus benefit, that you can get in Poland.

1. Economic downtime benefit (Świadczenie postojowe)

*if you run any kind of company:
a) you can receive 2080 PLN if the revenue in the month preceding the month in which you submitted the application for this benefit was at least 15% lower,
b) you can receive 1300 PLN if you account with a tax card and you are exempted from VAT,

* if you work under a civil law contract (e.g. umowa zlecenie or umowa o dzieło)
a) you can receive 2080 PLN, if your monthly revenue is more then 1299,99 PLN,
b) if the sum of your revenues from civil law contracts in the month preceding the month in which you submitted the application for this benefit is up to 1299.99 PLN you are entitled to the benefit in the amount of the sum of remuneration from these contracts,

  • applications for this benefit may be submitted to ZUS no later than within 3 months from the month in which the epidemic status was annuled.
  • You can receive the benefit up to three times.

2. Exemption from ZUS (Zwolnienie z ZUS)

You can get an exemption from ZUS if:
1) you register for insurance less than 10 employees – then, among others, exempted is payment of social security and health insurance contributions for 3 months (payable from 1st of March  to 31st of May 2020),
2) you run a non-agricultural business – then, among others, exempted are contributions for retirement, disability, accident and voluntary sickness insurance and health insurance for 3 months (payable from 1st of March to 31st of May, 2020),
3) you register for insurance from 10 to 49 insured – then, among others, exempted is payment of social security contributions and health insurance for 3 months (payable from 1st of March to 31st of May, 2020) but only in the amount of 50%,

  • an application for exemption has to be submitted to ZUS no later than 30 of June 2020.

3. A non-return loan to cover the running costs of business (Pożyczka na pokrycie bieżących kosztów prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej)

  • you can apply for this loan if you employ less than 10 employees and you ran your business before 1st of March, 2020
  • the loan may be granted up to 5,000 PLN. The interest rate on the loan is stable (0.05 per annum). The loan repayment period cannot be longer than 12 months (you do not have to repay the loan for 3 months from receiving),
  • the loan will be canceled (you won’t have to pay it back) if you continue to run your business within 3 months of the loan being granted.

4. Funding of part of the costs of running a business in the event of a decrease in business turnover (Dofinansowanie części kosztów prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej w przypadku spadku obrotów gospodarczych)

  • you can get funding if you are natural person and you don’t have any employees,
  • a decrease in economic turnover will occur when there is a decrease in sales of goods or services during any two consecutive months (after 1st of January, 2020),
  • the amount of funding depends on the % decrease in turnover,
  • financing is granted for up to 3 months.

5. Payment for the protection of jobs (Wypłata na rzecz ochrony miejsc pracy)

You can receive funding if there is turnover decrease (economic downtime). You can receive funding up to:

  1. the remuneration of an employee in the amount of 50% of the minimum remuneration for work,
  2. the remuneration of an employee who has been reduced by 20% of working time to half the remuneration,
  3. funds for paying social security contributions for employees.

– Benefits are due for period of 3 months from submitting the application.

6. Funding of part of employee remuneration costs (decrease in economic turnover) – Dofinansowanie części kosztów wynagrodzeń pracowników (spadek obrotów gospodarczych)

  • you can receive if you are micro, small or medium entrepreneur,
  • a decrease in economic turnover will occur when there is a decrease in the sale of goods or services within any two next months,
  • funding depends on the% decrease in turnover.

Do you need help with getting these benefits? Feel free to contact us.

Due to high amount of requests regarding coronavirus benefits, we decided to create a separate order route. Please contact us by the following email address: corona.benefit@kancelariakamler.pl