As I mentioned in one of the latest articles, in Poland all of the important letters are being sent only by registered mail (list polecony). This guarantees more certainty that the letter will reach the addressee and allows the sender to monitor the delivery status (on the page
Any letters send by Polish institutions (like Urząd Wojewódzki) use only registered mail. If you don’t receive such letters, you may miss an important deadline and you may get a negative decision in a pending proceeding (like residence permit proceeding). That is why you should always bother to pick up any post addressed to you.
How does it work exactly?
Any letter sent by registered letter (list polecony) is to be delivered personally to the addressee. The postman will visit your address and if you won’t be there, then he won’t be able to just leave you these letters. Instead, he will leave a so called “awizo”. It’s a document in a form of a small piece of paper labled “ZAWIADOMIENIE”, that looks like this:

If you find something like this in your mailbox, then you should definitely take it to your local post office to pickup your mail. Otherwise, you may lose your chance to get it. With all related consequences.
You have 14 days to pick up the letter – and not a day more!
Here is a quick read on what useful information you can find on any awizo:

If you are interested in getting any help with any issues related to your stay in Poland, feel free to contact us and take advantage of our services.
Technically, nowadays “awizo” no longer state that there has been an attempt of delivery (in contrary to the rules of common services) but only that the letter has been left in the post office. As an effect, you usually get “awizo” even if you were home all day long. Additionaly, the very bottom of “awizo” includes an offer of additionally paid delivery, which could be considered as fraud attempt. Welcome to Poland!
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