Our office provides comprehensive legal assistance in registering:
- sole propietorship / sole trader (jednoosobowa działalność gospodarcza);
- civil partnership;
- commercial law company, including:
– general partnership (spółka jawna – sp. j.),
– partner company (spółka partnerska – sp. p.),
– limited partnership (spółka komandytowa – sp. k.),
– limited joint-stock partnership (spółka komandytowo-akcyjna – S.K.A.),
– limited liability company (spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością – sp. z o.o.),
– joint-stock company (spółka akcyjna – S.A.).
As part of our legal assistance, we provide our Clients with:
- full adjustment of the legal solutions of the established company to the client’s needs;
- completion of all necessary formalities;
- special offer for possible further legal services.
We establish companies both in the standard procedure as well as in the accelerated procedure in the S24 online system.
The cost of standard legal assistance in starting a company for foreigners is:
– sole
– share-holding company in the s24 Internet System – 1800 PLN – 2400 PLN (depends on the number of shareholders),
– share-holding company in the standard procedure – 2500 – 3000 PLN (depends on the number of shareholders).
The price of our services is determined individually
With help of our Law Firm, you can be sure that your case will be dealt with by a professional attorney-at-law.
In order to discuss the details of legal assistance and valuation of the case – you are welcome to contact us
We will be happy to help with any of your questions.
Do you want to learn more about starting a business in Poland? We invite you to read our official blog.

Legal Services for Companies – Wroclaw or Online
Our Law Firm provides comprehensive legal assistance to all commercial law companies and natural persons conducting business in Poland. We provide our services to small startup companies as well as companies with an established market position.
We strive to provide our Clients with solutions that best reflect their needs and point the best way out of the most difficult situations. We help in both complicated and unusual cases as well as in standard procedures.
We adhere to the principle that the quality of legal services is evidenced by the selection of optimal legal solutions, as well as the ability to explain them to the Client in clear and comprehensible way.
The scope of the our services is limited only by the needs of our Clients. The legal assistance we provide includes in particular:
- Ongoing or temporary support for business entities, including:
- providing legal advice,
- drafting business contracts,
- preparation of regulations and other internal documents
- company registration
- GDPR compliance adaptation for any business activity,
assertion of any claims arising from non-performance or improper performance of the contract- assistance in matters relating to Polish labor law
- compliance adaptation of your company’s activity, including the documentation used to the requirements and standards set by applicable regulations.
- Debt collection, including:
- payment monitoring,
- pre-trial activities, in
particular a request for payment, negotiations with a debtor or creditor, and amicable proceedings - preparation of a claim in
writ-in or standard form, - representation in court and enforcement proceedings.
Initial case analysis is always free. The price of our services is determined individually during consultation with the Client and depends on the scope of our aid. We adhere to the principle of full transparency and provide all the important price information to the Client. You can find our guide prices here.
In order to discuss the details and terms of legal assistance – you are welcome to contact us
We will be happy to answer any and all of your questions.
With the help of our Law Firm, you can be sure that your case will be dealt with by a professional attorney-at-law.
Do you want to learn more about your rights in Poland? We invite you to read our official blog.
We publish articles in Polish, English and Russian.