If you have found yourself here, it means that you are familiar with the dangers associated with the use of any contract templates found online.
From the experience gained by dealing with cases and legal problems of our Clients, we know very well how big a threat comes from a badly written contract.
And yet the very essence of signing a written contract should be to protect your interest.
Our Law Firm provides customized and “tailored” contract drafts, including:
– agreements,
– commercial contracts,
– regulations,
– and other documents related to any field of law.
Each contract draft is prepared by a professional attorney-at-law and its provisions are consulted with the Client so that the final effect reflects his needs. Delivered drafts are provided with an understandable written commentary, allowing for the conscious use of the rights provided within it.

In order to discuss the details of legal assistance and valuation of the case – you are welcome to contact us
We will be happy to help with any of your questions.
Universal Templates
We may customize any contract draft to your specific demands. But what if you need just a quick, yet reliable template?
No problem at all! All you have to do is fill in a simple form and we’ll take care of the rest!
Preparation of a template taking based on elements specified by you in the form below is based on a fixed price of PLN 600 net + VAT.